NextGen Exsome Services

Exosome Tracking Service

Exosome tracing experiments involve labeling exosomes with specific markers to track their movement and mechanism of action both in vivo and in vitro. This experiments provides researchers with critical insights on the spatial distribution and complex functional mechanisms of exosomes across a spectrum of tissue types and under various physiological conditions. Services related to exosome tracing experiment techniques typically include the extraction of exosomes, selection and labeling of markers, and the tracking and analysis of exosomes. Through these steps, researchers can obtain information on the labeling and tracking of exosomes, thereby understanding the movement and mechanisms of action of exosomes inside or outside the body.


Services at NextGen Exsome


1.Dye Based Fluorescence Imaging

Fluorescence labeling of exosomes using dyes such as PKH26, PKH67, carbocyanine, and others.




Fluorescent Exosome and Assay Report


2.Viral Based Fluorescence Imaging

Fluorescence labeling of exosomes using lentivirus-mediated expression systems, such as CD63-GFP.




Fluorescent Exosome and Assay Report


3.Exosome Imaging with Confocal

Co-incubating the fluorescent exosomes with cells, imaging with confocal microscopy.




1)Report in DOCX format

2)Original data in TIF format


4.Exosome Imaging with Fluorescent Labeling of Zebrafish

Adding fluorescently labeled exosomes to the culture medium of zebrafish larvae, images are captured using a fluorescence microscope.




1)Report in DOCX format

2)Original data in TIF format


5.Exosome Imaging with In Vivo Imaging of Live Animal

Following the injection of fluorescent exosomes into mice, imaging is conducted using an in vivo animal imaging system.




1)Report in DOCX format

2)Original data in JPG format


6.Exosome Imaging with RNA Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization(FISH)

For specific RNA molecules (1-4 types) in exosomes, designing specific probes enable highly sensitive and quantitative detection of low-abundance RNA in paraffin sections, frozen sections, and cell spreads.




1)Report in DOCX format

2)Original data in TIF format